β›½How to Leap RGB++ Assets from Layer 1 to Layer 2

There are two methods to leap your RGB++ assets from Layer 1 (L1) to Layer 2 (L2): using JoyId or through the UTXOSwap official website.

Method 1: Using JoyId

  1. Access JoyId:

    • Visit app.joy.id and switch to the Nervos CKB network.

  2. Initiate the Leap:

    • Click the "Leap" button.

    • Enter the corresponding Bitcoin address for the leap.

    • Select the RGB++ asset you wish to leap back to L1 and enter the amount.

    • Choose the FeeRate (ensure you have enough UTXO balance in your Bitcoin wallet to cover the fees).

    • Click the "Leap To Bitcoin L1" button.

    • Click the "Prepare" button to proceed.

  3. Confirm and Track the Leap:

    • Sign the transaction to confirm.

    • You can track the status by clicking "Track Status" or through the "Ongoing Leaps" page.

  4. Complete the Leap:

    • Wait for the Bitcoin network to confirm the transaction. Once confirmed, click "Complete".

    • Verify the leap information and click "Complete" again. Wait for the CKB network to confirm.

    • Track the status in Settings > Activity > Leap.

  5. Check Your Assets:

    • After the CKB network confirmation, switch to your Bitcoin wallet to view your RGB++ assets.

Make sure to follow these steps carefully to ensure a successful leap of your RGB++ assets from Layer 1 to Layer 2.

Method 2: Using UTXOSwap

  • Connect Your BTC Wallet:

    • Connect your Bitcoin wallet to the UTXOSwap platform.

  • View BTC Assets:

    • After connecting, click on your wallet. Then, click on the BTC asset to view the Bitcoin assets in your wallet address.

  • Initiate the Leap:

    • Tap on the BTC asset. You will see the "Leap" button. Click on "Leap" and select the asset you want to leap from Layer 1 to Layer 2.

  • Confirm the Leap:

    • Click on "Leap" to proceed to the wallet signature page. Click "Sign" to confirm the leap transaction.

By following these steps, you can successfully leap your RGB++ assets from Layer 1 to Layer 2 using UTXOSwap.

Note: When performing the leap on the UTXOSwap website, you can check the status on mempool.space. The leap will be finished after 6 BTC block confirmations, and your RGB++ assets will be successfully leaped from Layer 1 to Layer 2.

Last updated